Monday, May 17, 2021

We Are In!

 We have our occupancy certificate and we are mostly moved in! There are still a few things that need to be finished, but we are so happy to be able to live here. Our Smithfield house is on the market, and hopefully will sell quickly. We tried out our new Garden City ward yesterday and were warmly welcomed. We are excited to finish up moving out of Smithfield and be here full time. It's both happy and sad. We're looking forward to our new adventures but sad to leave our awesome Smithfield friends behind. Change is hard but we're hoping it will be a good change for us. We've been unpacking countless boxes and we still have a long ways to go, but most of the downstairs is in place. Wes and Clint rolled their eyes at me as I made them move these couches and this rug about 20 times, ha ha! But I love it! Yay!

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