Monday, July 9, 2018

Happy 4th Of July!

Fun time at the lake! Clint and Wes had a few days off around July 4th so we took advantage and spent most of the week there. We boated and had lots of fun in the sun. Some of Clint's friends from Indiana were in town and came up to see us! They loved boating and enjoying their first ever raspberry shakes!

Early morning boating isn't my favorite, but it was a beautiful day!

Clint hasn't lost a thing after missing two full summers!

Clint caught a snake.

Cider is getting slower, but she still loves the water and chasing after the muskrats.

Colten has done this before.

Sarah hasn't. But what a great sport she was! She loved the kneeboard!

pre crash

post crash

Yummy shakes at LaBeau's! Thanks Indiana friends for a good time!

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