Monday, May 1, 2017

Sea Wall Part One

Wes has been working hard all year to secure the permits allowing us to make improvements to our sea wall. We need to shore it up due to some erosion starting on the lake side of the wall. With the lake coming up as fast as it is this spring, we're cutting it close getting this project done, but on Saturday it got started. We were a little worried driving up in a snowstorm. It had rained all week and we didn't know what kind of condition we were going to find the work space. This is what it looked like on the way up and when we got there.

Fortunately, Saturday morning dawned clear and sunny, and the work began.

Wes, Rusty, Trevor and our backhoe driver worked a full day until the vegetation was cleared and the ground ready for the new rock and sand to come in next week.

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