Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Thompson Reunion

We had a lovely time once again at our Thompson reunion!  Aunt Michelle was able to come all week, and cousin Cassie came for a day.  We had beautiful weather and pretty decent water which felt good since the sunshine was hot. We celebrated Clint's birthday on Wednesday without him.  We missed him all week.  We've actually been missing him all summer, but especially on his birthday.  We celebrated for him with morning waffles, LaBeau's shakes, and Hairspray at Pickleville.  Livi had so much fun in the sand and "wa-wa." I didn't take as many photos as usual. I let Kori have at it with her photo and videography skills and making us a family music video of our week.  But here are a few that I took.  Thanks everyone for a really awesome time, once again!

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