Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thompson Reunion Time

Spending a week with our whole family at Bear Lake is the sweetest thing on earth!  This was another Thompson reunion for the books.  Boating, chilling, reading, playing with Livi, eating, paddle boarding, puzzling, and Juanito Bandito.  A perfect week.  And one that may not happen again for a while as Kori left for Hawaii right after this trip.  But oh, we love being together!

This BABE is ready for the BEACH!

A few more beach peeps:

... a few other people joined us on the beach too.  It was pretty busy for the July 24th weekend.

Livi and I spent one evening together while everyone else went to see Juanito Bandito.  We had so much fun eating rice cereal and playing and smiling!  She's such a joy!

Kori also loved spending time with Liv because she was leaving for Hawaii the next week, and she's gonna miss this little sweetheart!

Michelle came up for a few days despite having a fractured pelvis.  You would never know it from the pics though.  Michelle, you rock!  Thanks for coming to party with us.

We did a teeny bit of sailing.

We did some of this:

And we did a lot of this!

Of course we got in some boating.  Glassy water was scarce, but we still had fun being together.

Poor baby squished into her little life jacket.  She was a trooper!

Something else we did during the week was get family photos taken.  It just happened to be the only evening that it stormed.  We were so worried about the weather.  We lucked out big time.  It was windy, but the rain held off during our shoot.  Also, because of the weather, the beach was pretty deserted, and the colors in the sky were really cool.  I think they turned out really awesome!  Here are a few of our favorites.

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