Monday, August 4, 2014

Thompson Family Reunion - Monday

Wow, a whole week at Bear Lake to just sit back, relax and enjoy!  Colton and Karlee had the entire week off, yay!  Kori was able to come for a few days.  We celebrated Clint's b-day.  Aunt JuJu and Grandma Pauline came for a couple of days.  What fun!  Monday morning we found some beautiful water.  Not another soul in sight.  Just lovely!

The weather started to turn a little later in the day, but we were able to take Clint out for a burger and then celebrate with presents and cheesecake at home.  A long time ago, Colton had this awesome idea to get Clint an old fashioned straight razor for his birthday.  The rest of us got some accessories for it.  We told Clint that he would love his gift, but he would never guess it.  We were right!  After celebrating, we watched one of Clint's presents, The Lego Movie.

Happy # 17 Clint!

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