Monday, August 4, 2014

Thompson Family Reunion - Friday

Friday, a few of Clint's friends came up to play on the beach.  We also headed over to the craft fair later in the day to check out Raspberry Days.  Boy it was busy up there for the Raspberry Days weekend!

Clint's sandcastle

Karlton's sea turtle

This is one of the stunt jumps that Colton makes at his work.  A couple of his work buddies own this one and they had it set up at Raspberry Days.  Clint and Colton both went on it.

Saturday we went out on the boat for a little while and then loaded up and came home.  Thanks family!  It's always a super fun time!

Thompson Family Reunion - Thursday

Thursday evening we took Aunt JuJu and Grandma to Pickleville to see "Who Shot Juanito Bandito?"  We all loved it!  It was so funny!

"The bigger the guns, the louder the shot!"

 Juanito Bandito - do not underestimate his awesomeness!

Thompson Family Reunion - Wednesday

On Wednesday, Aunt JuJu and Grandma Pauline came to visit for a couple of days.  It was Aunt JuJu's birthday, so we celebrated with her!  We also had a little visit from the Wallaces.  They had come up to play at the lake, and it was nice of them to stop by and see us before they headed home.

Thompson Family Reunion - Tuesday

Tuesday was a little rainy.  We had planned to hike to Bloomington, but because of the weather, we decided to just drive to the Paris Ice Cave instead.  Cider was really excited to go and she went crazy at the cave, jumping all around, chasing chipmunks and sliding on the ice.  It was a beautiful drive through the canyon and a really fun thing to do on a rainy day.

We did a little reading, puzzling, playing games, and it was so nice to have the whole family together!
I love these pics of Karlton we took at the North Beach Shops.

Clint flipped this entire puzzle over without breaking it apart.

Thompson Family Reunion - Monday

Wow, a whole week at Bear Lake to just sit back, relax and enjoy!  Colton and Karlee had the entire week off, yay!  Kori was able to come for a few days.  We celebrated Clint's b-day.  Aunt JuJu and Grandma Pauline came for a couple of days.  What fun!  Monday morning we found some beautiful water.  Not another soul in sight.  Just lovely!

The weather started to turn a little later in the day, but we were able to take Clint out for a burger and then celebrate with presents and cheesecake at home.  A long time ago, Colton had this awesome idea to get Clint an old fashioned straight razor for his birthday.  The rest of us got some accessories for it.  We told Clint that he would love his gift, but he would never guess it.  We were right!  After celebrating, we watched one of Clint's presents, The Lego Movie.

Happy # 17 Clint!