Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

Here's how things stacked up here at the lake on July 4th:
Gorgeous day, lots of people!

Parking on the beach?  What?  After last year's new law making it illegal to park on the beach?  We're not sure this is okay, Garden City, especially when you're charging.  Let's just go back to letting everyone park on the beach all the time!

Although we didn't have much of a breeze, we were anxious to get Taylor Swift on the water!  It was the first time Clint and I had tried sailing.  Loved it!

I took selfies in the boat while I watched Wes and Clint out there, ha ha!

Clint and I went home Friday evening because we didn't want to miss our annual neighborhood party, which never disappoints!  So much fun!  Saturday the rest of the family came up for an afternoon of boating.  We also took up our new dining tables!  I came across these by accident and picked them up for a steal.  I knew they'd be perfect to add more table space to our dining room.  We love them!

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