Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Birthday Time

We spent Clint's b-day at Bear Lake this year!  16 - holy - oldness - oly - Batman!  Our baby is 16?!?  And what a super kid he is too!  He's been my buddy this summer since it's just the 2 of us at home.  He is a gregarious, inventive, hilarious, charming brainiac and we love him!!

The Ulriches came Friday night to camp and hang out with us while eating extra grande Bear Lake pizza and listening to the crazy bug zapper! The Mikesells made it up Saturday just in time for the clouds.  Boo.  But of course we still had a great day!

Clint got to open one gift in the morning, because he was going to need it!!

We managed to sneak in a boat trip with the Ulriches before the sprinkles started.  Clint's new wakeboard was awesome!!  And can you believe we got 3 year old Kenlee up on the kneeboard?  What a trooper!!

We spent part of the drizzly afternoon making paracord bracelets.  This was a last minute idea, and I was glad we had them ready to go.  Everyone seemed to have a great time making them!  Shelby looks like she either didn't like sitting by Clint, or just didn't want her photo taken!

The highlight of our afternoon was a little electro-shock therapy!  On the way back from the park, Russell was stung several times by hornets.  Wes hooked up the wires to the stereo and shocked the stings to the sounds of "Radioactive."  It was more about the electrocuting and less about the actual pain, but those boys had a heyday with it.  They all had to try it out.

And the grand finale!  Presents and cake!!  Per Clint's special request, Karlee made him this beautiful cheesecake!  He got a movie and a game from our friends, $ from the grandparents, a zombie poster from Karlton, and his first cell!!

Happy Birthday Clint!  And thanks Ulriches and Mikesells for a super fun weekend!!

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