Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Inaugural Sleepover

It was a weekend of firsts as we finally spent the night at our new house!  We've been working hard getting it ready and moving things in.  The cabin has had a few issues like broken pipes, heater problems and a leaky water heater, but things are coming along.  Friday night after we had been working and after the sun went down, Wes took me outside to see this!

It's our house!  And it looks like someone loves it.  I had too much fun documenting everything!
Here's Wes in the messy kitchen where we loaded stuff in.

Yay!  Actual furniture in the living room!

And yes, the couches are comfy!

This is my Grandmothers Quilt.  One of my grandmas pieced it, the other one quilted it.  I  love it so much, and I've wanted to use it for a long time.  The detail is simply amazing!  It is such a treasure to have.

First game of Uno after eating the first meal in the cabin!

Our first morning.  Karlton brought us the cute sign from California.

Wes likes his new adirondack chair.

The morning view from our front yard.

This is how the boat ramp looked.  Very muddy!


This was my goal on Saturday - get rid of the ugly Mexican kitchen wallpaper!

Going, going,...

... Gone!  Please tell me this looks so much better!

Karlton joined us on Saturday.  They were a big help, and they enjoyed a 4 wheeler ride.

Cute bathroom!
Wes worked on patching holes the plumber left when he fixed our pipes.

Pillow shams, check.  I am still working on quilts, they are coming slowly!

We decided we had more room here so we got one more bunkbed.  Eventually it will have mattresses as well.  Five beds in one room!  Think of the grandkids we can pack in here someday!!  :)

Other cute bathroom.

My other goal was to put the kitchen together.  We don't have everything we need yet, but we have enough to get us started.  We can actually cook next time.  And hopefully we'll have warm water!!

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