Monday, July 9, 2012

Welcome To The Neighborhood!

"If you're lucky enough to live on the water, you're lucky enough."

It was our first weekend as the New Kids On The Block.  We had a fabulous time!  We had to be there for a HOA meeting, so we decided to make a weekend out of it.  Just imagine a HOUSE on this lot instead of our  trailer!!

Here is the view of our new neighborhood and the lake from our lot:

This is pretty much how the first day went.  It rained all day and we just hung out in the camper.  We took a drive around the lake and played some games.  We weren't going to complain about the rain since it's been so darn hot and dry!

The second day was GORGEOUS!  And we had tons of fun on the boat.  I managed to catch a few air pics of Colton on the wakeboard:

Look at these happy people!

Karlee had never tried wakeboarding, so after a quick lesson, we strapped her in the bindings and threw her off the boat.  I'm not sure why this was a good idea, but it made sense at the time.  And made for some funny pictures:

No problem, she got right up and really liked it!

We tried in vain to get Clint up on the wakeboard.  Not sure what we're doing wrong, but he hasn't gotten it yet.  It certainly wasn't for lack of trying!!!

Still all smiles, what a good sport!

Wes had a bit of a rough ski.  We're so spoiled by the glassy water at Cutler.  Bear Lake wasn't quite as smooth on this day.

Parting shot, the view of our neighborhood from the water:

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