Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy Holidays

This year we celebrated Pop Pop's birthday and New Year's Eve at the lake! Wes, Kori, Clint and I went up Sunday after church. It was cold and took a while for the cabin to warm up. We played lots of Settlers, ate yummy food, skiied, watched movies, hung out and read our books. Ahhhhhh.... the best! Colton and Karlee and the girls came up on Wes's birthday and stayed through New Year's Day. We made pizza, opened presents and had brownies and ice cream for dessert. We played some more Settlers, but were interrupted by a phone call to poison control! Thinking that Ivy had gone to sleep, Karlee went up to check on her and she'd gotten into their toiletries bag and had been eating Karlee's vitamins and tasting her shampoo. Luckily all was well, we didn't have to find a doctor. Ivy didn't get sick or anything, so she must not have eaten too much. Evidently that was the third time they had to call poison control with Ivy. I think she's gonna keep us all on our toes, good thing she's so dang cute! New Year's Day we sledded and played in the snow. The weather was a little bipolar, it couldn't decide between sun or snow. The snow won over in the end and we drove home in a storm. It was a wonderful time though, and we are excited to see what 2020 brings to our family. Happy New Year!