Friday, May 10, 2019


Wes and I drove up for a quick Saturday to do a little yard work. While we were there, we felt a squishy spot on the hardwood floor. After a little more investigating, we found a leaky pipe from the laundry room. We called ARS and they came up immediately. Water was all the way under the whole kitchen floor, and a tiny bit into the living room. We never would have detected anything if we hadn't felt that squishy spot on the floor. There was nothing visible, the only wet spot on the carpet was under the couch. We lost our whole hardwood floor, and they had to take out the cabinets to get it all cleaned up. Bleah. We think it had probably been slow leaking for a really long time. We feel lucky that we've been turning off the water when we're not there, otherwise it might have flooded the whole downstairs. Insurance will cover it, ARS has been really great to work with, and we get to pick a new floor. Trying to see the bright side here.