Monday, December 31, 2018

Holly Jolly Days

We spent a few days at the lake while Kori and Clint were home during the holidays. Wes had re-injured his hamstring and wasn't able to ski with us. But we had a lot of fun skiing, puzzling, watching movies and hanging out. It was a fabulous holiday with the whole family together and Kori and Clint with us for three weeks. Thanks everyone for a memorable end to 2018!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Livin The Dream

We didn't do a lot of laboring for Labor Day, but we did do a lot of relaxing! That, and sampling, ha ha! Even on a holiday, Wes can't stop being a geologist. He wants to get some samples of our muck.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

TFR 2018

It was one for the books!

The last time we were all together was 2015, so this week was fantastic. We weren't expecting Kori. When Karlton pulled up, we went out to greet them and Kori popped out of the car! She had bought a ticket home a couple of months ago. The boys were in on it, but Wes and I had no idea. She wanted to surprise me for my birthday. Best birthday gift ever! She ended up being home for a week and a half and it was super great to have her here!! Wes was on crutches for a hamstring injury and couldn't go boating, Ivy had a hot head under her helmet, but we still had a great time. They were good sports. :)

The first evening we played frisbee on the rocks and laughed and played Settlers and had a ball!
Cutest little helmet head. Only a couple more months to round out this sweet head.

The next day we played on the beach and boated. Cousin Preston and his family came up to join us for a bit. Livi was in heaven.

One of my birthday presents, a two person hammock!

The next day we did the escape room! We did the Butch Cassidy one and it was really fun. We needed a ton of clues, but we made it out with plenty of time to spare. Livi was super helpful too!! She found a key that was under a table before any of us found it. She was so cute, she loved it. Cassie and Chet came up to visit. We had pizza and birthday presents and double birthday cheesecake!! Livi helped us discover sprinkles on cheesecake. Yum!

The next day was our last full day. We boated a little more before putting the boat away. The kids got a ride on our neighbor's dharma van. Then we headed up to Bloomington. Sadly we didn't have very much time once we got there. It takes so long to get there. But that was okay because it was crazy super crowded anyway. We came home, had dinner and watched the lighted boat parade and fireworks. Fun!

Thanks everyone for the best week of the year! We sure love all of you!!