Monday, June 19, 2017

Happy Father's Day

We had Colton and Karlee and Livi up to the lake for Father's Day weekend. It was still a bit cool, so not a boating weekend, but we still had a ton of fun. Livi was So Excited About Everything! She has been wanting to come to "the beach" which we don't have much of this year, but I think she was satisfied. We played at the park, around the cabin, at the fish pond, ate pizza and opened presents. We are so proud of the fathers in our family. How lucky are we?


Washing the porch.

Cutest Daddy ever!

Fallen Tree

We had a huge wind storm a week or so ago. Wes and I were up there one night when the waves were crashing and the wind was whipping. We drove over to see what it was like at the marina, and waves were crashing into the rocks there and sending splashes all the way across the road! Yikes! Sadly, it carried out a lot of our new sand and we also lost one of the big trees by the seawall. Another tree looked like it was almost uprooted, and another lost a large limb, so we ended up taking down two more trees. The guys worked all day on Saturday cutting up trees and hauling off branches. There is still a lot of work to be done. It's sad to see the trees go, but it does open up our view. And it's good to get rid of them before they fall too. Here are some pictures of the progression from Saturday.
It's hard to tell from the photo, but those waves were crashing and Rusty's boat was just a rockin, and he had a really hard time getting it loaded up.

The water is now touching the sea wall. The storm left a little bit of a mess, but we are grateful that our wall is now being protected by a layer of rocks!

It was a beautiful day for some work to be done. A little on the cool side which was nice.

The fallen tree, look at those shallow roots.

And here is a before and after shot of our view:

Monday, June 5, 2017

Welcome Summer

We kicked off the summer season in style! We had the most delicious, picturesque weekend with no wind, perfect temperatures and beautiful sunshine!