Tuesday, January 31, 2017


We have had an enormous amount of snow so far in 2017. It has been awesome! We are at 175 percent of normal or something like that, and we've had record snow amounts. Along with the snow levels, we've had some super cold temps as well as some quick warm up temps and flooding, school snow days, and avalanches closing Logan Canyon. It's been a wild weather roller coaster. Hopefully it will bring the lake up a bit this summer. We came up on Saturday to pull some snow off the roof and dig out a little bit. It was a beautiful day, but cold. We moved a lot of snow though, hopefully our house and garage will be able to handle the rest of the load. It's tough to get pictures that accurately show just how much snow there is, but I tried.

We drove around to the east side to find the Winterfest's Cisco Disco, but not much was going on, darn.

Our new snow rake works great.