Thursday, October 20, 2016

Autumn Adventures

Wes and I had a perfect empty nester weekend!  Saturday, we went for a long bike ride on the beach.  It was really fun despite my unfortunate choice of Waldo apparel!  Ha ha!!  I wonder if anyone spotted me. ;)  In the afternoon we went for a long Rhonda ride up to the top of one of the hills up above Garden City.  It was the most spectacular view!  We finished off our perfect day with dinner at Cafe Sabor and the LOST 4th season finale.  It could not have been a better weekend with the best adventure partner ever.

Wes did some trail maintenance while I took selfies in the forest.  :)

That view!

Monday, October 3, 2016

General Conference Weekend

Wes and I spent General Conference weekend at the lake.  We live streamed Conference from my phone and plugged it into the TV to watch.  It worked beautifully on Saturday, but Sunday our signal was back and forth a little bit.  We still managed to see everything, with a little help from the old school radio!  The weather was back and forth, but on Saturday we had the most incredible rainbow!  Full, bright, and right over the lake, it seemed as if it just plunged right down into the water, so cool.
We got caught in a thunderstorm on Sunday in between sessions.  We were out on the water when we saw lightning over the hills, and then all of a sudden it was right on top of us, loud and a little scary! It was fun to stay clear through Sunday, very restful and quiet.