Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Season Begins

It was definitely a little more lively in Garden City over the Memorial Day weekend.  It was still a bit cool, but the sun was shining and the weather was very pretty and pleasant.  Wes and I enjoyed a Rhonda ride, and a walk on the beach.  I went home to join the Nash Memorial Day festivities, but Wes hung around and had a nice motorcycle ride on Monday.

On Saturday, we got a huge surprise in the form of Kori's Mission Call!  Belem, Brazil Sept 20th!!  It was really different listening to her call over Face Time, how grateful we are for modern technology!  She is over the moon excited to learn Portuguese and serve in Brazil.  We are pretty excited to spend the summer with her getting all ready!  Congrats Kori, you will be such a fantastic missionary!!