Sunday, April 17, 2016

1871 Photos

Our quest this week was to find the locations of some old timey Bear Lake photos from 1871 that Wes came across.  We were successful.  Wes is amazing, he could tell from the old photos right where to go.  And of course, he was right!  One location was close to Rendezvous Beach.  This one was fun because it's a rocky, undeveloped area that didn't look all that different from the old pics.  The other locations were up by Fish Haven, close to the Idaho border.  These places looked way different because the hills there are covered with houses.  We had a hard time even getting close enough to get a good photo.  We might have to find those from the beach side in the boat this summer.  But we had a fun time!  It was a chilly weekend, but sunny and beautiful.  A lot of our neighbors were there.  Summer is coming!
These neighbors were friendly too.


Walking on the rocks and logs...

Some rocks were pretty (above), and some were yucky (below).