Monday, January 18, 2016

Empty Nesters

It was our first weekend as empty nesters.  We spent a couple of days at the cabin right after Clint entered the MTC.  It was a good diversion for me, as I've been pretty lonely at home.  We enjoyed some cross country skiing on some sticky snow.  We had lots of deer visitors.  The lake was frozen in patches and at the shore, lots of broken up ice had accumulated.  We had a little bit of snow, a lot of wind one night, and it was gorgeous up at the lake!

My cute husband.  I'm so grateful for him!!

We wore Schnooky out.  She was sooooo tired when we got home!

Along the way, I had several different views of my skis:


We enjoyed another delicious Thanksgiving meal and delightful company at Bear Lake this year!

It was pretty chilly with a little dust of snow.

So pretty!

Livi loved her first Thanksgiving!