Monday, July 13, 2015

Juanoodle Bandoodle

The Colsons came to the lake for a quick weekend.  We had so much fun with Heidi and Jared, kids and puppy!  They made it down Friday morning in time for lunch and a showing of Juanito Bandito.

When Wes got there later that afternoon, we had some fun on the beach.  Jared rented a wave runner, the kids had fun on the paddle board, and especially boating with Wes.

The dogs loved running through the water, swimming (or in Millie's case, walking on her hind feet!), digging up dead fish and rolling in them!  Dogs will be dogs I guess.  They had lots of fun.

We had even more fun on Saturday when Karlton and the baby came up.  The kids loved playing with Colton.  It was kind of windy, but it was a beautiful day!

Liv and I stayed back at the house and took selfies on the porch!

Saturday night, Heidi and Jared took us out to Zipz and we got to eat in one of the boats!  Yummy!  Thanks so much, Colsons!  We had a great time with your cuties.  Come anytime!

This pic sums up how much fun we had!!