Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Chill In The Air

We had a quick weekend of putting away the sailboat, blowing out the sprinklers, mowing the lawn one more time, and getting ready for winter.  What a gorgeous day it was!  It feels a little cool at the lake, but we just love this time of year!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Glorious Autumn

I had the most beautiful drive through Logan Canyon last week while I was on my way to the cabin to mow the lawn.  The photos can't do it justice, but here are a few of the ones I took.  Too bad Wes couldn't have come up with the boat!  The lake was just perfect and still.  It was a gorgeous day!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Wallace Time

We had a hard time scheduling the Wallaces to come up for a weekend.  As it turned out, we only got Mike and Amy for part of the time anyway, and Chase couldn't come up at all.  Kate and Kenna and Stella were the hard cores!  But thanks, Wallaces, for working out a little bit of a weekend!  We had a blast, and had the most beautiful Saturday of the whole summer!


Clint has been wanting to visit Bloomington this summer, and we had our opportunity on a windy Saturday before Labor Day.  It was really busy at Bloomington.  I think everyone had the same idea we had, since it wasn't very good boating weather.  But it was a gorgeous day!  Clint and his friend Josh had fun on the rope swing and also did a little cliff diving.

I managed to capture one dive from Clint.

Wes and I went up on Friday evening, and it was lovely.

Monday started out cold!  Air temp 59, water temp 64, ooooo wheee!  It was a gorgeous day, nice water, and it ended up a little warmer than that by the afternoon.

A couple more cute visitors!