Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter Holiday

A fun time was had by all during our Martin Luther King weekend.  Garden City only has about as much snow as we have so far.  The weather was very pleasant, sunny on Saturday, and a bit foggy Sunday and Monday.

Such a pretty view!

Cider came up with us.  She spent the majority of her time inside, which she was pretty happy about.  She was a good girl.

Saturday we cross country skiied right down the boat ramp and out to the water's edge.  It was breathtakingly beautiful, sunny and warm!  The water is not frozen over this year.  We loved skiing the wide open smooth beach area.  Clint has never cross country skiied before, but you would never have known it.  He did awesome, and loved it!

Saturday afternoon, we found a perfect runner sled hill a few blocks from our house.  It was fast and furious!

I just took selfies at the bottom.  Ha ha!

Poor lonely Cider waiting for the boys.

I had to come home Saturday night so I could attend our Ward Conference on Sunday morning.  The boys went to church in Garden City.  Sunday afternoon, I headed back up and Karlton and the Wallys joined us too!  Karlton had to head back Sunday night since they both worked on Monday, but the Wallys stayed overnight and went sledding with us Monday morning.
Clint headed down first.

There's Chase with the orange helmet!

The girls sat this one out and watched from the spectator couch.

Here comes Mike!

I think he liked it.

The boys took a turn watching the girls sled.

After taking a slow ride, Kenna wanted to go up a little higher so she could go faster!

Kate had some serious speed, she totally charged past her mom!

Cider got to ride in the taco wagon.

My turn!

Clint tried something new.

Cider liked eating the snow.

Thanks Wallys for a super fun day!