Monday, July 15, 2013

Mayes Family Weekend

We had a few Mayes family members at Bear Lake this weekend!  Heidi and Jared and their kids came on Thursday.  I went up and spent the day with them at Minnetonka Cave.  McKinlee and Logan loved it.  Jared loved it even more!

Love this cute family!

We also played a little bit at the park.

Check out that big baby in the swing!

Jared and Heidi played a mean game of tetherball while the kids cheered them on.

Wes and Clint came up Thursday evening, and after a few clouds and sprinkles that night, Friday morning was just glorious!  We had a fun boating excursion and we even got the whole family up on the kneeboard!  We also got Clint up on the wakeboard!  Finally!  I so wish I would have had my camera!!!  Sorry Clint.  He also had the gnarliest wipeout ever.  He slapped the water so fast and so hard, we all thought he would be unconscious or bleeding.  He stung a little, but was otherwise fine!  Whew!

Heidi out on the kneeboard!

Logan was much happier driving the boat than kneeboarding.  He was a good sport though.

Jared tore it up! And McKinlee would have stayed on the kneeboard all day.

JuJu, Marie and Bill came down Friday afternoon and stayed until Saturday.  We had a little beach time on Friday.  Saturday was pretty windy, so we played at the park and rode the go-karts.  Hopefully we wore the kids out enough to sleep all the way home!  We had so much fun with them!  We hope they'll come and see us again!
These two have the cutest faces ever! 

Clint's little shadows.

Hot mama on the boat.

Look at that beautiful water.  It was such a fantastic day!

My pretty aunties.  Thanks for a fun weekend!