Monday, September 30, 2013

Bloomington Weekend

We've been trying to get the Island Park group together at our cabin, and we finally made it happen!!  Hooray!  We had a great time with the Ropers, Walls and Andersons.  We were missing the Blairs, but hopefully they will come to Island Park this year.  On Saturday, we hiked to Bloomington Lake.  I was excited because I've never been there before.  Wes thought he had been there, but he found out that he only saw the first lake.  You pass a couple of lakes before you actually get to Bloomington.  We thought we'd see more fall colors, but it's pretty much an alpine lake, up above all the colors.  So gorgeous though!!  Thanks everyone for a very fun and much needed weekend!
Here we are after eating a delicious lunch at the Bloomington Lake parking lot.

Along the trail.

Susan, Curtis, Curtis's equipment!

Wish Kent didn't have to work on Saturday!!  Glad he could come up for the rest of the time!

Look at that snow on those logs!

Our resident sexy geology expert!

Ooh, we're getting there!

We saw some scuba divers!

The lake is beautiful!  

We saw a few fish, and couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!

Lovebird alert!

The beavers used some of Kathy's berries to make their dam.

I think Sandra is just so excited because she found fossils of a turtle and a bat!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Taylor Swift

Someone has a new toy....  Meet Taylor Swift.  We named her that because 1. She's Re-e-e-e-ed 2. There's a T on the sail, and T is for Taylor (and Thompson) 3. She is gonna be Swift!  As in FAST!  Can't wait to get her out on the lake!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Aloha Weekend

We enjoyed Labor Day weekend, plus the end of Kori's job at LaBeau's!  We had a little "Aloha" party for Kori on Monday and moved her home.  It was also an opportunity to try out my new toy!!

Clint rocked it!

I LOVE this picture!  I just happened to get Wes as he was falling off the board!

Getting back up...

Looking good!

And down again.

Kori the beach babe.

Saturday, the lake was full and our beach was the busiest we've seen it all summer!

Monday, Kori spent time with these friends playing games and boating and eating!  She's gonna miss so many friends!!  It's hard to say goodbye.  We're so grateful for the good examples she has had in her life so far, and so excited to see what the future holds for all of them!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thompson Cousins

We had a quick visit with the Chad Thompson family.  They were here all the way from Texas.  The girls were headed to Education Week and DawnEtta's parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebration.  Chad and the rest of the kids just came to play!  They all stayed with us for the first few days.  We had a great time boating, even if the kids were freezing in the Bear Lake water!  They're used to the Gulf of Mexico 80 degree water!  Super fun to see them, the kids have grown so much.  Wish we could see each other more often!!