Sunday, November 18, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, Wes made a purchase for the Bear Lake house.  We've thought that it would be nice to have a golf cart to haul kids and stuff down to the beach, and Wes has been looking for one.  Believe it or not, this is a golf cart!  The guy we bought it from was trying to convert it into a hunting vehicle.  He added some big tires, a gas motor, and redesigned the body.  But ultimately, he decided a golf cart is just not  practical in the mountains.  So he decided to sell it.  Our gain!  A golf cart if perfect for the beach!  She needs a little work and a paint job, and Wes told me we could paint it any color I wanted.  When I suggested turquoise like the water, Kori said "and we could call her Tiffany for Tiffany blue!"  So the name Tiffany stuck.  Clint didn't like the name.  At. All.  He still doesn't think Tiffany is a fitting name for a tough, souped up golf cart.  But alas, she's Tiffany.  Tough Tiffany!  Here she is the night we brought her home.