Sunday, November 18, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, Wes made a purchase for the Bear Lake house.  We've thought that it would be nice to have a golf cart to haul kids and stuff down to the beach, and Wes has been looking for one.  Believe it or not, this is a golf cart!  The guy we bought it from was trying to convert it into a hunting vehicle.  He added some big tires, a gas motor, and redesigned the body.  But ultimately, he decided a golf cart is just not  practical in the mountains.  So he decided to sell it.  Our gain!  A golf cart if perfect for the beach!  She needs a little work and a paint job, and Wes told me we could paint it any color I wanted.  When I suggested turquoise like the water, Kori said "and we could call her Tiffany for Tiffany blue!"  So the name Tiffany stuck.  Clint didn't like the name.  At. All.  He still doesn't think Tiffany is a fitting name for a tough, souped up golf cart.  But alas, she's Tiffany.  Tough Tiffany!  Here she is the night we brought her home.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It's all ours!  We closed on it yesterday!!  So we now own both the lot and the cabin.  I guess we'll use the cabin for now and hang on to the lot.  Who knows how it will all play out in the future!  It's been a crazy and intense and very interesting process just getting this far.  I'm glad that part is over.  Now we can just work on filling it up with memories!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Reunion Time!

It was our annual Bear Lake Reunion Trip, even though it ended up being just our family this year!  We had Karlee with us, and she, Colton and Kori were able to get the entire week off of work,  BOOYAH!  This year we learned a few new things:

1. We learned about Raspberry Days!  All the years we've been going to Bear Lake, we've never been to Raspberry Days, so we checked it all out this year.  We went to the craft fair, we saw bajillions of people, and Wes even went and watched the parade!

2. We learned how pretty the view from our lot is.  I could have just stared at it all day long.  Here is the boat ramp and view of the water this year.  Still pretty high!

3. We learned about a few more places on this side of the lake.  Garden City has a nice little boardwalk down to the beach from their city park.  We rode the boat around to a few different areas too.

4. We learned how to paddle board!  I've been wanting to try this for a while and Wes was a sweetie and rented me this board for a couple of days.  We loved it!  Now I want my own.  It's a bit heavy, I would need a little trailer to haul it down to the water.  But I would love to be able to take this out every morning for a turn around the lake.

5. We learned a few new things about Karlee, like she has never read the Harry Potter books!!  Sorry Karlee, we have to give you crap about that one!!  Ha ha!  I wish this picture was more clear.  I was trying for some candid shots, but I was too far away.  Still.  Cute couple.

6. We learned that when you invite friends to come up for a day, they will arrive just as the storm starts to roll in, and they will have to leave just as it starts to clear!  Sorry Wallys, but we're still glad you came, and we had lots of fun with you.  We'll do it again for sure!

8. And finally, we learned that we might, just might, be the proud new owners of this beauty.  What!?!  Stay tuned for The Continuing Saga Of Buying A Bear Lake Cabin...

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Little Wakesurfing, Anyone?

Our friend Jeff and his son Kyle joined us for a couple of days of our inaugural weekend.  They brought their boat so we all got to try a little wakesurfing.  Look how excited everyone is!!!

Jeff commented that Colton was the best first timer he had ever had on the boat.  Wes and I were amazed at how easy it came for him!  He was up and throwing in the rope like he'd been doing this for years!

He had a pretty serious face.  Concentration.

I'm impressed!

Uh-oh!  Lost that wave!

Kori was a little intimidated after watching Colton, but she took right to it also!

She was surprised she got up so easily.

Hang loose, baby!

She threw the rope in several times too!  Couldn't hang on here though!!

Yes, this is me.  This is as far as anyone got at taking my picture before the batteries died and they didn't bother to check the camera bag for more batteries!!  I couldn't surf on the regular side, I had to do it goofy.  The dark side is just too strong with me I guess!  I got right up on the other side though, and I kept going until I was tired!  I couldn't have let go of the rope yet, I was way too dependent on it!  They said I was back too far like a wakeboard, but it just seemed to go against everything I've ever been taught to put my weight forward!  Still, it was great fun and I'm glad I tried it.  Jeff said he took pictures of me, so if I get those, I'll add them.

Clint had a hard time with the getting up part.  That kid is no quitter though!  He tried and tried.  We finally started him from the platform which helped him get the feel of it.  He was able to stay up for a little ways, but by then he was pretty tired!

Karlee took to this just like everything else we've thrown at her.  She was amazing and she was able to go for a long way without the rope!

It was fun for me to watch Wes learn to wakesurf.  I have only ever seen him look completely confident while doing water sports, and it was just really different to see him do something that he didn't know how to do!  Of course, he managed to get up easily, learn quickly, and look great doing it!!

Thanks Jeff and Kyle!  We loved having you with us, and I'm afraid Kori will never be satisfied with our boat again.  You'll have to bring your boat much more often!!